It's simple, it's fast, and it's affordable

Get more Verified Emails out from your lead list

Double your list size and revenue safely with the only email validation tool that validates all type of emails including risky catch all emails in realtime with 99% accuracy

Why are we better?

We do what nobody else can 🛸

Magically validate all type of emails at scale

Realtime ValidationValidate all types of emails in realtime with 99% accuracy
API IntegrationIntegrate our validation API into your own system for automated validation
Bulk ProcessingIt doesn't matter if you have a volume of 1k or 1M, we can validate it in bulk with great accuracy
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Frequently asked questions answered

What are catch-all emails?

As the name suggests, a catch-all address is designed to capture all emails sent to any non-existing email accounts on your domain, Most validation tools are unable to validate catch-all emails in real time

Is catch-all/accept-all emails the same?

Yes, they are essentially the same; it's similar to how various validation tools categorize emails under different names, Some common names include catch-all, risky, accept-all, guessed, and unknowns.

Why can't SMTP-based verification can't verify risky emails?

It is not possible to validate risky (catch-all/accept-all) emails with an SMTP-based validation tool because the entire purpose of having a catch-all email is to accept all types of emails. This makes it very difficult to verify, but we have a very unique system that makes it possible.

How are you better than other tools such as Neverbounce, clearout, etc.?

We validate risky emails at no extra cost, so that means we can validate more emails than any other email verification tool out there, and that too In real-time.
Our agency struggled with high bounce rates and inefficient lead generation before using VerifyMagically. Incorporating VerifyMagically's email validation service has significantly improved the lead verification process and reduced bounce rates. VerifyMagically's unique capability to validate 'catch-all' emails has led to a 30% increase in verified leads, effectively doubling our lead list and improving campaign outcomes.
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Lakshay TanejaFounder @ HealDNS

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